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Swarm Season - Warning Signs & Tips

Warning Signs of Swarms

Swarm season typically occurs in the spring when certain types of pests, such as termites and ants, begin to reproduce and establish new colonies. This can lead to an infestation in your home or business. Here are some signs that you may need pest control during swarm season:

  • Piles of wings: After swarming, some pests will shed their wings, leaving behind piles of them in and around your home or business.
  • Mud tubes: Termites will build mud tubes to travel between their colony and food sources, so if you see these structures near your foundation, it could indicate a termite infestation.
  • Visible pests: If you notice an increase in the number of pests inside or outside your home or business, it could be a sign of an infestation.
  • Damage to wood: Termites can cause significant damage to wood structures, so if you see signs of wood damage, it’s important to have your property inspected for pests.
  • Strange odors: Some pests emit unpleasant odors when they infest a space, so if you notice a strange smell, it could indicate a pest problem.

At Tennessee Valley Exterminating, we offer comprehensive pest control services to help you protect your home or business from pests. If you notice any of the above or suspect that you may have an infestation, contact us today to schedule an inspection and learn more about our pest control solutions.


Tips to Deal with Swarm Season

During the swarm season, bugs can be a real nuisance. They can invade your home and cause a lot of problems. To deal with them effectively, it’s important to take some precautions. These precautions can help you keep your home bug-free and ensure that you and your family stay safe and healthy.

The first thing you can do is keep your windows and doors closed and sealed. This will prevent bugs from entering your home and will keep them outside of your home. You should also be sure to repair any holes or cracks in the walls. Bugs can easily enter your home through these openings, so it's important to seal them up as soon as possible.

Another thing you can do is to remove any standing water in your yard. This includes pools of water, bird baths, and even puddles. Bugs love standing water, and they will use it to breed and multiply. By removing this water, you can reduce the number of bugs in your yard and make it less attractive to them.

Keeping your grass mowed is also important. Bugs love tall grass, and they will use it to hide and breed. By keeping your grass short, you can reduce the number of bugs in your yard and make it less attractive to them.

If you still find yourself dealing with a bug problem, don’t hesitate to call Tennessee Valley Exterminating for professional pest control services. We have the expertise and equipment needed to eliminate any bug infestation and keep your home bug-free. With our help, you can enjoy a pest-free home all year round.

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